Flugabwehrpanzer Gepard B2L - Demonstration
The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard (“anti-aircraft cannon tank Cheetah“, better known as the Flakpanzer Gepard) is an autonomous, all-weather-capable German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG). It was developed in the 1960s and fielded in the 1970s, and has been upgraded several times with the latest electronics. It constituted a cornerstone of the air defence of the German Army (Bundeswehr) and a number of other NATO countries. In Germany, the Gepard was ph
8 months ago 00:06:11 1
Deutschland liefert Gepard-Panzer - Jugend im Schock! 🚨🇩🇪🔥
1 year ago 00:00:00 1
PUTINS KRIEG: Ukraine will künftig eigene Flugabwehrsysteme bauen | WELT Newsstream
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SCHOLZ im PANZER: Kanzler besucht Ausbildung von Ukrainern an der Ostsee
3 years ago 00:04:28 1
BESUCH IN KIEW: “Wir haben eine klare Botschaft!“ Und dann beendet Scholz seine Rede auf Ukrainisch