Satie ~1917~ Musique d’ameublement : Tapisserie en fer forgé
Regarding the genesis of Satie’s “Musique d’ameublement“ (“Furniture Music“) let us read what the painter Fernand Léger said about it (1881-1955):
« We were having lunch, friends and him, in a restaurant. Forced to endure a noisy and unbearable music, we leave the room and Satie says: “There is still to achieve a furniture music, that is to say a music that would be part of the background noise, which would take them into account. I think it would be melodious, it would soften the sound of knives and forks, without dominating them, without imposing itself. It would fill heavy silences sometimes occurring between the guests. It would spare them small talk. It would neutralize, at the same time, the street noises entering the game without discretion.“ It would, he said, respond to a need. »
In 1917, Satie therefore composed a first set of two furniture musics that will never be published in his lifetime, nor even probably played. The Tapestry in forged ir
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