UN aeroplanes attack Chinese supply lines (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Aerial attacks in Korea while ground troops receive communion Full Description: KOREA: EXT AEROPLANES AMERICAN. Shots of in up Chinese supply lines in Korea. hits etc etc AMERICAN MILITARY. In Korea receive Communion before going into action in front of kneeling soldiers and Padre reading reading sermon etc etc BOMBS Direct hits on targets in the snow in Korea KOREA Air straffing of Chinese supply-lines in the snow by bombardment.. direct hits etc etc KOREA U.S. soldiers receive Communion before they go into action in front line.. shots Padre etc reading service to kneeling troops etc RELIGIOUS AND PROCESSIONS U.S. troops in Korea receive open air Communion before they go into action in front of kneeling men and Padre reading etc etc ROCKETS US Mustangs sho
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