Gerald Edelman - Diagnosis: Then and now (7/86)

To listen to more of Gerald Edelman’s stories, go to the playlist: Biologist Gerald Edelman (1929-2014) was born in America. His early work concentrated on the study of immunology and he was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1972 for his work leading to the understanding of the antibody’s chemical structure. [Listeners: Ralph J Greenspan; date recorded: 2005] TRANSCRIPT: The great scientist Fritz Lipmann, for example, was on the wards, and he didn’t know much medicine – he got his degree out in Germany. And there was also Paul Zamecnick, who was one of the most important people in the early business about translation, you remember, in protein synthesis. And he would come on the wards and be the... the so-called visit. Well, in fact the... the residents there were formidable. They were really great at diagnosis and when they weren’t, they called a man named Paul Kranes who came, lugubrio
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