Beryl Restrengthens to Major Hurricane Near Mexico - LIVE Breaking News Coverage
Hurricane Beryl has restrengthened to a Category 3 major hurricane just hours before it makes landfall in Mexico. After passing over part of Mexico Hurricane Beryl could then threaten Texas. Get the latest on Hurricane Beryl restrengthening to Category 3 in our LIVE breaking news coverage.
Hurricane Beryl currently has maximum sustained winds of 115 mph. According to the National Hurricane Center, Beryl will make landfall on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico on Friday morning. The current hurricane forecast track has it making landfall around 90 miles away from Cancún. While passing over Mexico it is forecast to weaken to a tropical storm, but then it is expected to restrengthen in the Gulf of Mexico to a hurricane again, and could possibly make landfall in Texas. In this interactive live weather news stream host Steve Lookner brings you the latest updates on Hurricane Beryl after it restrengthened to a major hurricane close to Mexico, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!
Agenda-Free TV licenses live news videos from AFP and Reuters. Some of those videos may appear in this broadcast.
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Beryl Restrengthens to Major Hurricane Near Mexico - LIVE Breaking News Coverage