_ This is “Envoys Of Peace“ - the first video of our new album “Stones At Goliath“.
# Get the album here: * iTunes: or * Amazon:
# Holt euch das Album hier: * iTunes: oder * Amazon:
This song is dedicated to the “Envoys Of Peace“ video film crew.
This day was beyond words -
Thank you!
Cornflower (Director)
Albrecht von Grünhagen (Camera)
Julian Hanschke (2nd Cameras)
Matan Radin (2nd Cameras)
Chris Schulz (Lightning)
Tom Hempel (Lightning)
Torsten Gubernus (Set Design)
Marco Dorau (Set Design)
Michael Krause (Set Design)
Robert Naumann (Postproduction)
... TO:
Andrea Friedrich
Charlotte Gonschior
Emma Rosa Simon
Helena Moellmann
Lisa Young In
Lorfuin Daemon
Marvin Sunday Kipke
Peter Engler
Baby and Black Box Music
Bastian Emig
Daniel Schmidle
Marcos Feminella
Paul Perlejewski
Daniel Galmarini
So do you take your stand?
Make your choice!
Stop others to command?
Raise your voice!
Take actions on their needs?
In life rejoice!
Bring up their dirty deeds
Come make some noise!
ʻcause ainʻt we all the same?
So we are!
In all the things we claim?
We concur!
Come on, lead off our fight!
There ainʻt no choice - we got to raise our voice!
Down on your knees
When love is our language
Our words are envoys of peace
Speak up for those
Who never got the chance to see that thereʻs Matter in all our hopes
They cannot bring us down!
Bring it on!
ʻcause weʻre not alone!
We stand as one!
We got a given right!
Corrupt and fucked - letʻs make them hear our voice!
Down on your knees
When love is our language
Our words are envoys of peace
Speak up for those
Who never got the chance to see that thereʻs Matter in all our hopes
Unleashed and free
Weʻll never be silenced
Got a voice and therefore we speak
Stand up for those
Who never got the chance to feel what itʻs like when youʻre Out of control
Down on your knees!
Will you speak up for those?
Down on your knees - when love is our language our words become envoys of peace! Speak up for those!
Who never got the chance to see that thereʻs matter in all our hopes!Show more