Emanuel Pastreich: COVID-19 Was a Global Coup by Private Finance, IT, & Intelligence Complexes

Emanuel Pastreich discusses the ills of U.S. Empire, the sham of American elections, and how academia has been utterly corrupted. In reality, politics is determined via false flag operations which cause mass trauma (e.g. 9/11). The goal of Operation COVID-19 was the totalitarian takeover of local and central governments around the world by the power elite, IT companies, and private intelligence firms. The technocrats have been learning how to modify behavior through experiments at DARPA, RAND, and Guantanamo Bay. Israel was the pioneer in developing these technologies for social control. He explains how nations states seem to have conflicts while simultaneously cooperating symbiotically via multinational corporations. Finally, he talks solutions. *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate Consult Become a Member Become a Sponsor https://geopoliticsandempire.
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