Asymmetrically interacting particles - Different behaviours

New C version of the asymmetrically interacting particle simulation (aka particle game of life). How it works: Each particle gets assigned to a group (let’s call these A, B, C, etc...). Particles in group A can be attracted to or repelled by particles in group B. At the same time, particles in group B can be attracted to or repelled by the particle in group A. However, this interaction does not need to be symmetric, i.e. we can have A repels B but B attracts A. The asymmetry in the interactions between each of the groups leads to interesting dynamics. In addition to these interactions, all particles repel each other when getting too close. To ensure the formation of structures, the particles are also subject to friction. Depending on the friction strength, we can either have stable large structures or fast-moving less cohesive groups of particles. Source: Inspired by this video by CodeParade: Also have a look here for more examples:
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