Cowan: Covid-19 Myths 4 Preview + A Response To The Anti-Vax Community

Cowan: Covid-19 Myths 4 Preview A Response To The Anti-Vax Community Yes, sars cov 2 is NOT isolated, purified and proven to exists. Yes, viruses are NOT living organisms and therefore have no mechanism to spread and attack. Nature was not designed to kill us. Nature was designed to work in harmony. It is counter productive and self defeating for it not to. Virology is based on the now debunked false notion that humans are sterile. We are not —so this “science” is outdated. We are made up of living organisms that HEAL us. They have been calling our healing process a disease (like seasonal DETOX, called flu). ALL of their “science” goes against and attempts to manipulate Nature. And therefore it is WRONG. Period. If you filter ALL of their “science” through whether it goes WITH Nature or against it you will always have your answer. On ANY issue. Great video as always, thank you Dr. Cowan. source:
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