Kira Payer chases down a Kate Courtney QOM

Kira has been tearing up the Strava leaderboards in Malibu over the last two years when she is in California for winter training. Latigo is the climb in this video and porbably the most well known climb in the area. We filmed this in March last year. I was in two minds when deciding to film this one, do I follow on the bicycle or bring out the moto. I knew my time up here was faster than Kate’s QOM time, but I also knew how hard it was for me to get that time, I died a thousand deaths. I am very lucky I decided to bring out the moto because Kira blew past Kate’s time by two minutes and past mine by a minute! Her effort is rather deceptive because she is always in control and doesn’t seem to be struggling that much, but I can assure you this is an incredibly hard push. It was really cool to watch the footage back and hear Kira tell the guys how she wanted things paced. Always in control and just under her limit. To put things in perspective there have been 94,885 attempts by 14,04
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