REAPER Tutorial 1 - Intro, UI

1st in a series of REAPER for users of Protools, Logic, Sonar, Cubase, etc. This video introduces the UI and fundamentals of how REAPER is different from other DAWs, later on I’ll get into specifics about how to do things more quickly in REAPER. Even if you love your DAW already, REAPER is a great alternative for getting audio tasks done very quickly and efficiently. It’s on PC and Mac, downloads installs and runs within less than a minute of clicking the download link at , and can run from a USB thumbdrive literally as a portable DAW. You can download and try it out immediately, its ’demo’ is fully-functional and without time or usage restrictions, it comes with tons of VST and scripted FX, and it has even has a small business / casual user license for only $50. Links: Reaper download - BaseHead -
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