Marwan Barghouti speaks to CNNs Fareed on the Resistance in Gaza and Israeli Fascism

The trouble with live news is that occasionally your guest expresses some profound and uncomfortable truths. Marwan Barghouti, no doubt invited by CNN as a “moderate”, shows in his implacable criticism of Israeli apartheid and zionist fascism that there is no reasonable or moderate person who could support the ethnic cleansing and Genocide practiced for 76 years by the Zionist occupation. While he calls for the withdrawal of Israel, and the recognition of Palestinian Human rights, its clear from his remarks that this achieves nothing with zionism, or its imperialist masters: there is no way of dealing with such intransigent and recidivist terrorists than by force, hence the audacious military actions of Hamas this weekend. Read this short and powerful pamphlet on the origins of Zionism.
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