Preview Alice - Mauro Bigonzetti - Theater Dortmund

Alice plays with that thin thread that binds reality and imagination, fiction and truth. Creating the video scenes for the show we have interpreted the suggestions of the choreography created by Mauro Bigonzetti, integrating and enriching its atmosphere, talking out the power of gestures, following the central idea. This is the reason why the settings follow one another in and out of gilded frames, as different rooms represented in the paintings hanged on the wall of the narrator. These places suddenly come alive, drawing us into the different scenes of the show, leaded by the choreography. With our art work we want to build a space that could extend the stage as well as represent feelings and emotions. Alice’s world is prolix, a world that we can not know and we must therefore learn to feel the same emotions of the two different Alice. We have cared about all the details of the sets, studying and being inspired by Gothic architecture represented by Piranesi, by Escher’s places without dimension and b
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