Thousand-Week Reich: Russian Unification Super Events

This is a series of hypothetical Super Events for Thousand Week Reich, an alternate history mod for HOI4, dealing with the reunification of Russia. All these events and images were made in . These events were made keeping in mind the new rework and retcons to the Russian lore. Nevertheless, I made some events some Russian leaders from the old lore, with me hoping that they and their nations can become available in the game either through the mod itself or with submods. For example, non-Communist Novosibirsk could be established after the death of Premier Andrey Zhadnov, and Transvolga could be established during a rebellion against the USSR. I also assumed that Konev and Vlasov could still become leaders of the USSR even though at game start they control military districts within the USSR, Some of the info in this video is speculative in regards to future Russian content. Credit to some of the inspiration for this video goes to this video;
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