Elephant acts protective over her favourite person - ElephantNews

Faa Mai has grown up so fast ! These days she nears the same size as her mother, yet with aging she has retained such a beautiful and gentle demeanor, always demonstrating her care and respect for others. Today she spied me out of the corner of her eye while she was playing in the mud and happily came to hug me with a trunk full of mud. All my hair and face was covered with mud, so I went down to the river to clean myself off. Faa Mai followed to see what I was doing. She continuously checked to make sure that I was safe, touching me with her trunk. The more that she touched me, the more that I was dappled with dirt. She then shuffled me away from the river as is the way of a mother toward her calf. Sometimes I wonder what Faa Mai is thinking, acting always so caring and protective as if she were my mama ! at Elephant Nature Park. Learn more :
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