Vancouver, Canada.
GV Sports Stadium, with crowds. SV Duke of Edinburgh with Lord Alexander. SV start of marathon. Jim Peters on extreme left of field. SV towards, runners passing camera. LV runners on way out of stadium. SV crowd. GV packed stadium. SV start of mile. Baillie in black vest and shorts nearest camera, dashing to lead field. SV pan, Baillie crossing to inside lane and taking lead, Landy and Bannister are 4th and 5th. GV law takes over lead from Baillie, pan to Back view. SV crowd pointing, Landy takes the lead over this shot. LV towards and pan, Landy in the lead with Bannister in third place, pan with Landy on his own. SV Landy away on his own setting a fast pace. SV towards and pan, Landy in the lead followed by Bannister a good five yards behind. STV Landy in the lead, Bannister begins to gradually narrow the gap, pan with both. SV excited crowd. SV GV pan, Bannister closing up almost to Landy’s heels. SV pan, Bannister begins his finishing burst. Landy looks the wrong way as Bannister pa