這美國人又唱黃乙玲 經典台語歌翻唱 COVER《愛到才知痛》|Singing Huang Yee-ling in public

沒錯 就是又在唱黃乙玲的歌,這首放著很久都沒上,覺得哪裡不太對勁,但是這幾天其他影片剪輯不順利,影響了我整個情緒,所以在我消失的這個禮拜送你這首歌 希望你會喜歡 Extra big thanks to Kelvin for meeting up with me in Singapore to make this happen. The first video I ever uploaded to this channel was with him, I’ll always be grateful for him giving me the courage to sing in front of others. Both the acoustic and electric guitar parts were recorded by him! 特別感謝區 🎸吉他 Guitar / Ke
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