Govinda Damodara Madhaveti - Swami Vishwa Ranga Ramanuja | Kirtan Sessions

Find our Music: Immerse yourself in the sound of devotion! Enjoy Govinda Damodara Madhaveti in this Kirtan Session with Swami Vishwa Ranga Ramanuja. Don’t forget to share it with a friend! The ’Kirtan Sessions’ series showcases Bhakti Marga musicians performing devotional kirtans and bhajans. Bhakti Marga is the international organization and movement founded by Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda. Follow us online: TikTok: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Official Store: _____ LYRICS: karāravinde padāravindam mukhāravinde viniveshayāntam vattasya patrasya putte shayānam bala muk...undam manasa smarami (bala mukunda ashtakam, verse 1, by śrī bilvamaṅgal thakur) My mind is always filled with images of the lovely Bala Mukundam who, while resting on the fold of a banyan leaf, holds his lotus-like feet in his hands and places a toe in his lotus-like mouth. gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti gōvinda gōvinda nārāyana śrī kr̥ṣṇa gōvinda harē murārē hē nātha nārāyaṇa vāsudēva jihvē pibasvāmr̥tamētadēva gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti Krishna! Govinda! Hari! Murari! O Lord, Narayana, Vasudeva! “Govinda, Damodara, Madhava“ The sole nectar to be consumed, o tongue! gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti gōvinda gōvinda nārāyana vikrētukāmākhilagōpakanyā murāripādārpitacittavr̥ttiḥ dadhyādikaṁ mōhavaśādavōcat gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti Even though she wanted to sell milk, dahi, butter, and other items, a little gopi’s mind was so engrossed on Krishna’s lotus feet that she confusedly called out “Govinda!“, “Damodara!“, and “Madhava!“ instead of “Milk for sale.“ gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti gōvinda gōvinda nārāyana gr̥hē gr̥hē gōpavadhūkadambāḥ sarvē militvā samavāpya yōgam puṇyāni nāmāni paṭhanti nityaṁ gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti Every time a group of cowherd women gets together, they chant the transcendental names of Krishna—“Govinda, Damodara, and Madhava“—together in every home. gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti gōvinda gōvinda nārāyana jihvē sadaivaṁ bhaja sundarāṇi nāmāni kr̥ṣṇasya manamōharāṇi samasta bhaktārtivināśanāni gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti O my tongue, simply adore these lovely, enchanting names of Krishna, “Govinda,“ “Damodara,“ and “Madhava,“ which remove all the barriers that stand in the path of the devotees’ progress. gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti gōvinda gōvinda nārāyana śrīkṛṣṇa rādhāvara gōkulēśa gōpāla gōvardhananātha viṣṇō jihvē pibasvāmṛtamētadēva gōvinda dāmōdara mādhavēti O tongue, taste just this honey of the names “Madhava,“ “Vishnu,“ “Govinda,“ and “Gopala,“ as well as “Shri Krishna, dearest of Shrimati Radharani,“ and “Lord of Gokula, Gopala,“ and “Lord of Govardhana.“ (selected verses of the śrī gōvinda dāmōdara stotram, by śrī bilvamaṅgal thakur) #Kirtansession # Bhakti
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