Grain bin silo sidewall sheet equipment #máquinadefabricaçãodeparedesdesilo

More machine details required please feel free to ask me: Elva Zhang My email : elva@ My WhatsApp/ WeChat: 86 189 3175 7891 Steel silo corrugated side wall panel forming machine, the development of steel silo has a history of more than 100 years, from riveted silo, welded silo, assembly to the current WDCPO steel silo technology advocated by the technical key warehouse, the development of steel silo has been 100 With many years of history, it has been widely used abroad. The steel silo for grain storage originated in the early 20th century. In the late 1970s, in the foreign grain industry, steel silos replaced almost any type of granary. #silomachine #grainbinsilomachine #silo #silos #silomakingmachines #steelsilorollformingmachine #silosteelplateformingmachine #silomachinery #силосномуоборудованию #МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЕСИЛОСЫ #Силосадляхранениязерна #siloproduction #grain #grainbin #grainbins #máquinadefabricaçãodeparedesdesilo
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