A baboon is a primate that lives in the wild and is known for its intelligence and resourcefulness when it comes to finding food. One of the ways baboons search for food is by digging holes in the ground.
When a baboon decides to dig a hole, it first carefully chooses the location, preferably near other baboons who may have found a food source. The baboon then uses both its hands and feet to dig, using its sharp nails to loosen the soil. As the baboon digs, it keeps a watchful eye out for any signs of food that may be hidden beneath the surface. If it smells anything appetizing, it will dig deeper and more vigorously. Once the hole is deep enough, the baboon will use its hands to scoop out any dirt and debris, making sure to clear any obstacles that may have been in the way. When the hole is finally deep enough, the baboon will carefully insert its hand into the hole, feeling around for any food that may be there. If it finds something good to eat, it will quickly pull it out and enjoy its hard-won mea
5 months ago 00:00:49 1
Бабуинская стая в поисках обеда #baboon #kenyansafari #wildlife #magicalkenya #safarisightings
11 months ago 00:11:04 1
КРОВОЖАДНЫЙ гамадрил! Охота на ястреба закончилась обедом! Не поделился даже с любимой женой!
1 year ago 00:00:19 3
Обед бабуина
1 year ago 00:08:05 1
Никто Не Может Поймать Горного Козла / Случаи с Животными Снятые На Камеру
2 years ago 00:02:37 5
Бабуин в Кейп-Пойнт наслаждается украденным обедом.
2 years ago 00:00:37 3
Типичный травяной обед бабуинов
2 years ago 00:19:03 1
104. В гостях у Светланы и ее семьи. Обед в тайском ресторане. Торт и румтур у их соседей. Мандрем.
3 years ago 00:08:03 1
Случаи Когда Хищник и Жертва Поменялись Местами Снятые на Камеру / 3 часть
6 years ago 00:09:34 14
Дикая природа Африки Monkey Бабуины спустились с розовых скал на вегетарианский обед Kwa Maritane SA