Expanding Valeton GP-200 Output Volume Options with an active dual channel volume pedal
Expanding Valeton GP-200 Output Volume Options with an active dual channel volume pedal
The Valeton GP-200 is a very good multi-effects pedal with some serious horse power. The one issue lacking is the ability to control the output volume of the various output options seperately. Until this can be addressed by Valeton (which I assume it can), the solution would be active volume options between the Valeton and the destination input.
If you are interested in a pedal/volume unit as showcased in this video for either your stereo rig, Valeton, other Multi-effects pedal, please send me a message of an email to discuss.
Please note that this can also be achieved with good active clean volume pedals.
Many thanks!
@Valeton #valetongp200 #valetongp100 #valeton
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