मानव शरीर के बारे में मजेदार तथ्य Fun Facts About The Human Body Part 4
The smallest bone in our body is in the inner ear.
Now that you know the smallest, the longest bone in the body is the leg and it is also the strongest. Did you know? Your bone can heal itself by producing new cells. That’s why you are put in a cast when you fracture your bone.
The biggest joint in your body is the knee. Some women are born with two uteruses and they are known as uterus didelphys or double uterus. However, this is not a very common condition where 1 in 2,000 women suffer from it worldwide. The oldest woman recorded to have given birth is 66 years old. The smallest muscle of the body lies inside the inner ear and connects to the eardrum and your inner year together.
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