13-year-old guitarist creates “one-man band“ with only one instrument | Amazing Chinese

Liu Jiazhuo, a 13-year-old musical genius from China, gives an incredible show of fingerstyle guitar. His remarkable skill makes a “one-man band“ with only one guitar. You can hear bass, drum, accompaniment guitar and theme guitar in this solo performance! 点燃整个舞台!13岁的“吉他小王子”刘嘉卓为你带来一首节奏强劲的《激燃敲击》,一把吉他弹成一支乐队,高难度指弹技巧征服评委席。更令人惊讶的是,这个拥有超绝演奏技术的少年一路走来全靠上网看视频学ߖ
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