Pulsefire Ekko - Splash Art League of Legends

The story here evolved from escaping from drones to escaping from Thresh. There was also a time when Pantheon and Lucian were there to help Ekko escape from Thresh. This is my second Pulsefire splash so I already had experience doing the material and sci-fi effects. It’s also the second time to draw Pulsefire Thresh again. Despite that experience, this image is one of the most detailed splashes I’ve done and I was still rendering details up to the final days before the deadline. Thanks to all the epic artists who helped! I learned a lot on how to push and group the lighting while making the bg less distracting thanks to the Paint over of Alex Flores. __________________________________ In Collaboration with Riot Games Client: Riot Games Riot Games AD: Jessica Oyhenart West Studio AD: Mingchen Shen Final Polish: League Splash Team __________________________________ __________________________________ FOLLOW ME HERE: INSTA:
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