Kettlebell Lunge Exercises for Core and Obliques - October 17, 2020 10:45 am
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Day 156 - Rotational Core Lunge Exercises - October 17, 2020 10:45 am
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What’s up?
- Kettlebell = 16 kg. / 35 lbs.
- Alternating Reverse Lunge Swings
- Diagonal Slash
Why this?
- Lunges enhance torso rotations and simulate real life applications.
- Heavy rope and Push Ups yesterday were both high in static positioning, so lunges and torso rotations open thing up again.
- These exercises improve many physical attributes through various ranges of motion and planes of movement.
- Multi-planar movements require sequential integration of body segments under centrifugal load.
- Reciprocal impulse loading combined with sustained pre-exhaust builds higher levels of proprioception.
- Helps in a sword fight.
Bill Maeda
Age: 51
Height: 183 cm/6’0”
Weight: 86 kg/190 lbs.
This channel and its videos are not meant to be instructional or “how to”. It’s just my personal log of all the training I do in a day, and much of what I do and how I do it can be considered dangerous.
You don’t know me well enough for me to deserve your trust, but please accept my word to you and the other viewers that I have never used TRT (testosterone replacement therapy), PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) SARMs or GH past or present. I’m a stage 3C cancer survivor, and I have no interest in those substances or their effects.
I started this vlog on May 13, 2020 as a goof to keep my clients motivated. It grew by accident, and there are now a lot of people who have placed a lot of trust in my word and my practices. I would never betray that. I welcome questions and comments, and thank you for watching.
That being to my channel! My name is Bill Maeda, and I’m a husband, a father, and a personal trainer living and loving life in Honolulu, Hawaii. I feel honored to have you visit my channel and I consider you a friend, so enjoy the videos and please leave comments.
Aloha 🤙Bill
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I use Prüvit exogenous ketones twice a day: