傩戏| 隐秘于深山的神秘巫傩,原始却鲜为人知| A mysterious witch hidden in the mountains, but the original is little known
辰州傩戏丨辰州傩源于原始宗教 ,而后逐步形成宗教和艺术的结合物,经历从人的神化到神化的人 ,从娱神到娱人的历史过程。它大致分为傩祭、 傩戏、傩舞、傩技四个部分。辰州傩不仅是戏剧的活化石,更重要的是它涵盖了政治、历史、民族、宗教、考古、文学、艺术等方面,是这些方面学术研究难得的研究文本。
Nuo opera in Chenzhou| Nuo in Chenzhou originated from primitive religion, and then gradually formed a combination of religion and art, experiencing the historical process from the deification of man to the deified person, from entertaining god to entertaining people. It is roughly divided into four parts: Nuo Festival, Nuo Opera, Nuo Dance and Nuo Skills. Chenzhou Nuo is not only a living fossil of drama, but more importantly, it covers politics, history, ethnicity, religion, archaeology, literature, art, etc. It is a rare research text in these areas.
3 years ago 00:07:32 13
傩戏| 隐秘于深山的神秘巫傩,原始却鲜为人知| A mysterious witch hidden in the mountains, but the original is little known