Xinjiang Narrative Predicted Years Ago... Is it a Planned Attack? // 新疆问题多年前就被预测了...

I discuss comments made in a speech by Lawrence B Wilkerson, he talks about the real reason USA are in Afghanistan, and their ultimate goal with Xinjiang, how they wish to try and destabilise it in order to disrupt China’s belt and road project. I also show a clip from Sibel Edmonds from over six years ago, and how she discusses the USA’s intentions in Xinjiang even back then. If you’d like to support the channel / 如果你想支持我们的频道: ⬇️ Become a Barrett member: 💰 Become a Patron: 🧧 WeChat / 微信: 🧧 AliPay / 支付宝: ☕ Buy us a coffee: Special thanks to our Patreon Barrett Colonels: Lucy T
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