Peripeteia: The Upcoming Immersive Sim that Oozes Atmosphere

Help Ninth Exodus fund Peripeteia here! Steam Demo Itch demo Hey so you know that game that I always show whenever talking about ImSims and whatnot? Well, it’s called Peripeteia and it’s got a kickstarter going right now! Peripeteia is a post-sovietpunk immersive sim where you play as Marie, a cybernetically enhanced anime girl living in Poland 2 who’s trying to find the secret bunker under the city and live the easy life. Along the way she’ll take all sorts of gun-for-hire jobs to pay her rent while she gets to the bottom of the intrigue between the Second Union, the Polish Solidarity Republic, and the mysterious organization that keeps sending her craploads of money to eliminate thier enemies I wasn’t paid to make this. I did it because I like the game and Shodanon et all are good people.
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