Moozoonsii - Inward (Full Album 2022)

Listen and learn more about Inward from Moozoonsii on bandcamp : Available on main streaming platforms. 1. Mangrove 00:00 2. Beelzebufo 07:28 3. Wudùm 12:55 4. Sylaps 16:24 5. Titanoboa 20:10 6. Venom 28:16 ==== Inward is the first half of the Inward/Outward duology. This first half takes place in a jungle, narrating the exploration of a mangrove, the encounters with various dangerous animals and vegetation, the insecurity as well as hypnose and poisoning. The outcome of it will be disclosed in the conclusion yet to come. Outward on the other hand, stellar travelling aboard its own psyche, must recover its consciousness before landing towards us, long after its older brother. Composed during lockdown, “Inward/Outward“ is Moozoonsii’s new chapter. Basile Chiariello - Guitar Fabien Hervé - Bass Matthieu Bellemere - Drums, percussions Recorded and mixed
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