Belloq by Sminx/Pennutoh, Verified by me (Extreme Demon) (144hz)

About time this got finished. This was in production for over a year with lots of polishing and the final product turned out great. Amazing job to those who participated, especially Sminx for doing a lot of the dirty work. Alright, now for the gameplay itself. This can get pretty annoying at times, but I still enjoyed it. There might be some dumb difficulty spikes here and there but I tried my best to keep it enjoyable. Parts that might give you some trouble include Epsilonic, Pennutoh, Voltex, and almost every part before the drop. As for its difficulty, I’m really not sure at all. It could fall anywhere between 30-60 on the demons list for all I know, but that’s for other people to decide. Anyway, I’d like to thank Pennutoh for giving me the chance to verify this last summer when it was still in production and Sminx for putting tons of work into this. This’ll be on Sminx’s account as I said in my first progress video. Level ID: 55610687 Password: None Attem
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