#CosmoBinge: The makers of ’Kohrra’, ’Kaala Paani’, and ’Asur’ talk about the future of Indian OTT
Can’t stop, won’t stop. That’s our mantra when it comes to binge-watching the very best of Indian OTT shows. With half of the year done, Randeep Jha (@randeepjha), Sameer Saxena (@eightypackabs) and Gaurav Shukla (@creativegaura), the directors of ‘Kohrra’, ‘Kaala Paani’, and ‘Asur’ respectively speak to Adit Ganguly (@ganglyganguly) from Cosmopolitan India and cast their eye on the future of Indian OTT.
To watch the full video click on the link in bio.
Digital Editor: Sonal Ved (@sonalved)
Video Editor: Sanjana Ahire (@sanjanaaaaaaaaa_)
Adit’s clothes: Blackberrys Menswear (@blackberrysmenswear)
Studio space: @isprava
#CosmoBinge! #CosmoIndia #CosmopolitanIndia