Taken from the upcoming album ’Damnation is Inevitable’.
Cameraman / Colorist - Lányi Kristóf
Styling - Wass János
Werk / Assistant / Storyboard Artists - Baráti Annamária
Makeup - Czirják Zsófi
Rental - Czettele Rental
Music written, produced, mixed and mastered by Ferenczi Márton at Moth Project
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📓 Black Sun Lyrics:
This eternal night is full of terrors
My mind is violated by the bone shaking cold
Do I deserve to die here?
Without a compass under the starless sky
Who’s gonna save our souls?
Crawling on the unbeaten path
Loathsome dirt is under my nails
Stains of rust are still on my limbs
Tears wash away my sins
Circling the same mountain over and over
but noone has spoken to me.
The false god lacks for nothing
But wants us all