🇮🇱🇫🇷🇬🇧 “Antisemitic incidents“ rise in UK and France since Hamas attack in Israel

🇮🇱🇫🇷🇬🇧 “Antisemitic incidents“ rise in UK and France since Hamas attack in Israel Antisemitic incidents in the UK have more than quadrupled since Hamas’s attack on Israel, says a charity which helps Jewish people in the UK. Simultaneously, President Emmanuel Macron will meet political party leaders on Thursday and address the nation on TV to call for unity and try to prevent any spillover of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in France, where there has been a rise in antisemitic acts. France has Europe’s largest Muslim and Jewish populations and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has in the past contributed to tensions between the two. Examples in the UK of incidents include a “Jewish person walking to a synagogue in London on Sunday morning was called a “dirty Jew“ by a stranger Also in London, a car slowed down outside a synagogue before the occupants of the vehicle shouted “Death to Israel“ while waving a Palestinian flag Источник: Lord Of War
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