Mr. Baldwin & Cuts (1926)

Harrow (aka Harrow-on-the-Hill), Greater London. Title: “Mr. Baldwin, Britain’s sixth Harrovian Premier, opens famous school’s war memorial building“. High angled panning shot follows Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin and a man in a mortar board and cape (the headmaster?) as they walk down the Harrow School driveway. A crowd of select people and journalists line the route. As the P.M. and the head teacher reach the school’s main entrance, several schoolboys in their distinctive boaters follow them. Panning shot of lots of Harrovian boys in boaters looking over a balcony. High angled panning shot follows a procession of vicars, the head master, Baldwin and three women as they walk past a crowd and onto the terrace. A man in military uniform opens the gates to the war memorial building, the vicars pause in the entrance and say a few words before entering. Shortly after Baldwin, the women, the headmaster and a crowd of smartly dressed people enter. High angled shot of a crowd of Harrovian boys flo
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