#Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Mantra, Solves All Problems.
#Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Mantra, Solves All Problems.
This #mantra is to be used for any difficulties, problems. It is the best one to do for any problems in any situation. Even reciting four or five times, just a few times, it is very powerful.
#Ksitigarbha is one of the four principal bodhisattvas in East Asian Mahayana #Buddhism . The others are #Samantabhadra , #Manjusri , and #Avalokitesvara . At the pre-Tang Dynasty grottos in Dunhuang and Longmen, he is depicted in a classical bodhisattva form. After the Tang Dynasty, he became increasingly depicted as a #monk , carrying rosaries and a staff.
The name of this #Bodhisattva translates as “the one who encompasses the earth”. Earth signifies hardness, stillness, stability, versatility and vastness. Also, it represents our #mind which creates all #dharma and accommodates all matters.
Earth is the foundation on which everything grows. Store signifies profundity, subtleness, and deepness. In addition, store signifies the immeasurable treasures.
The Bodhisattva helps living beings in other realms, for instance – celestial beings, humans, hungry ghosts, asuras (demons), insects, and animals. Furthermore, He is also regarded as the guardian of children and patron deity of deceased children and aborted fetuses in Japanese culture, where He is known as #Ojizo-sama or #Jizo .
The story of this Bodhisattva was first described in the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purvapranidhana Sutra, one of the most popular and important #Mahayanasutras . This #sutra is said to have been spoken by the Gautama #Buddha towards the end of his life to the beings of the Trayastrimsa Heaven as a mark of remembrance and gratitude for his beloved mother, Maya.
Shakyamuni Buddha says that deities, devas, nagas, demons, or humans who hear Bodhisattva Jizo’s name and thereafter praise, worship, or show obeisance to images or sutras of Bodhisattva Jizo will gain the following 7 benefits:
They shall be free of all bad (negative) #karma .
They shall quickly climb the #divine stages of advancement.
They shall eventually achieve #Buddhahood .
They shall experience greater willpower to do good.
They shall be guarded by all the Buddhas.
They shall remember their past experiences and lives.
They shall never again suffer setbacks along the #Bodhi path.
8 months ago 00:11:52 2
#Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Mantra, Solves All Problems.
12 months ago 00:03:33 1
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, sitting calmly on the divine beast. #healing #meditation #prompt #chatgpt
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