SEETROËN, the 1st glasses that restore the taste for travel - by Citroën
Summer holidays, means long roadtrips are just around the corner. But with more time and opportunity to play on smartphones or tablets, children and adults alike are affected by motion sickness. Over 30 million people
in Europe suffer from chronic travel sickness.
In response, Citroën, as part of our dedication to comfort, is presenting SEETROËN, the first glasses to eliminate motion sickness. The principle of the SEETROËN is simple. They contain a coloured liquid that recreates
the horizon line to resol
5 years ago 00:01:47 2
SEETROËN, the 1st glasses that restore the taste for travel - by Citroën
6 years ago 00:02:10 3
Citroën glasses, points from motion sickness
6 years ago 00:01:55 1
SEETROËN Glasses by Citroën
7 years ago 00:01:55 1
SEETROËN - The first glasses that restore the taste for Travel by Citroën