Ensemble: Capella de Ministrers, Carles Magraner
Album: ARS ANTIQUA, Crònica d’un viatge medieval
Video: Gaston Phébus, livre de la chasse (XIV century)
This first album of the trilogy dedicated to Ramon Llull , “Conversion, study and contemplation,“ illustrates the youth of Ramon Llull, devoted to sensual pleasures to profane love and the cultivation of the troubadour lyric, seen through the prism of the convert who has left the vanities of the world. It includes a selection of representative pieces of some of the main musical genres that were current at the time of Ramon Llull as well as some of its most representative authors. A musical journey that accompanies the early stages of the life of Llull from the moment he begins to unfold the radical change that will take you to the intellectual illumination, which attributed a divine origin, and that will lead to the Ars offers
1 Veris dulcis in tempore - Carmina Burana 85
2 Ben volgra, s’esser poges - Guiraut d’Esp
1 view
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