Crossed Out | 1990-1993 [full]

(1999) 1. Internal 2. He-Man 3. Locked In 4. Fraud 5. Crown Of Thorns 6. Force Of Habit 7. Crutch 8. Supremacy 9. Ulcer 10. Neglect 11. Suffocate 12. Selfserve 13. Homegrown 14. Crown Of Thorns 15. Internal 16. Practiced Hatred 17. Pure Delusion 18. Society 19. Lowlife 20. Scapegoat 21. Vacuum 22. No Truth 23. Fraud 24. Letch 25. Never Forget 26. He-Man 27. Suicide Of A Species 28. Selfish Achiever 29. Advice? 30. Locked In 31. Fraud 32. Ulcer 33. He-Man 34. Internal 35. Suffocate 36. Supremacy 37. Force Of Habit 38. Homegrown 39. Selfserve 40. Crown Of Thorns 41. Neglect 42. Jihad 43. Protestor (No Vox) 44. Pure Delusion 45. Lowlife 46. Nightstalker 47. Practiced Hatred Crossed Out’s influence on hardcore punk and grindcore (yes, I know, “fuck grindcore“) cannot be overstated. Sure, we’ve been trapped in an endless wave of boring cookie-cutter bands trying to copy this style to death for over a decade at this point, but nothing touches these recordings (the difference between power violence and powerviolence, amirite). Few bands have ever sounded this pissed off and played this hard, and few ever will. Ripped from my personal copy because it sounds meaner than the CD rip we’ve all heard a thousand times. Turn this up and waltz yourself into a brick wall.
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