Repeating Isn’t Repetition (2020) Dai Hall Exhibition Documentary

Exhibition of new works by 5 artists curated by Jorge Boehringer and himself and artists Bryn Harrison,Eleanor Cully, Paul Tone, Valérie Wartelle This exhibition, as part of New Weird Huddersfield’s intended programme of events for 2020, opened March 16th and then closed March 17th (due to the escalation of COVID-19 infections in the UK).  more information at This show concerns the emergence of material structures and experiences under iteration. Larger and smaller scale forms emerging through multiplicity on other orders of magnitude. The curatorial questions intersect some of the questions at the core of my own artistic practice: Can there be repetition? What is it? How is it felt? Can repetition occur outside of time? Can time be differentiated from notions of repetition? What and where are memories? Where is the point at which pattern recognition = pattern form
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