Title: 賛美歌
Romaji title: Sanbika
Album: Re:Hymn
Vocals: Nei Kino
Composition: xaki
Release Date: Aug 14, 2010 (C78)
Nothing but sadness can be heard in this world,
and if you listen carefully, a sad laughter can be heard.
A voice that cries out,
a voice that begs for forgiveness,
a voice that prays to God.
You laughed a bit, just for a while.
Nothing but sadness can be seen in this world,
and if you take a good look, it’s full of people with pained expressions.
People who cry out,
people who beg for forgiveness,
people who seek God.
You laughed a bit, just for a while.
These eyes can no longer see anything.
These ears can no longer hear anything.
This mouth can no longer speak anything.
Can no longer… Can no longer… Can no longer…
Doing nothing is the same as dying,
I can’t do anything, so I just wait.
There’s nothing there, nothing at all.
Nothing but hate i