Alaska Renewables: Little Mount Susitna Wind Project

Matt Perkins and Andrew McDonnell co-founded Alaska Renewables in Fairbanks in 2021 in response to Golden Valley Electric Association’s call for new renewable energy projects that could reduce emissions and member energy costs while maintaining the reliability of the electric grid. The pair will lead a discussion of near term opportunities for meeting this call not just in Interior Alaska, but across the Railbelt. They will provide an overview of their efforts including the proposed Little Mount Susitna Wind project, located on a broad plateau to the west of the Susitna River and Mount Susitna. Andrew McDonnell, PhD serves as AKR’s Vice President with responsibilities including wind resource and geospatial analytics, technology innovation, customer and stakeholder engagement, and strategic business development. Andrew draws on a background in earth and environmental science, engineering, and energy systems analysis. In his prior role as an Associate Professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (
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