We were searching for a new way to showcase paintings. Authors selected 10 paintings, artworks that are historically meaningful for the studio. For each artwork I came up with unique scene, giving viewer opportunity to dive deep into the process of search, feel and creation of certain artwork. Something that is not usually shared with wide audience. Next we took actual paintings and planned the shooting all over the city. Took a while to do VFX part but here we are, with almost zero budget we have our first promo! We hope you like it!
Hero paintings by Alexandra Khizhaia and Mari Pogodaeva
Мы искали новый способ показать картины. Художники выбрали 10 работ, так или иначе исторически значимых для студии. Для каждой работы я придумал уникальную сцену, позволяющую окунуться в поиск и переживания художника во время работы над картиной. Затем мы брали настоящие картины и ездили по нашему городу снимали всё это безобразие живьем. Потом какое-то продолжительн