A Discipating Reality Music Video

This home made music video was shot outside in the blistering cold in central Iowa, fortunately we decided to go Dexter on our garage and plastic ourselves in, accompanied by two heaters we managed to bust sweats and jam brutal music. Unfortunately we have yet to come up with a name, but here is the myspace we use, Considering I did just get a new camera we also decided to put it to use and see what we could come up with. well, here it is... Please do check out all the YouTube profiles listed at the beginning of this video, below are the lyrics to the song, I really hope you enjoy this and please to comment, subscribe and thumbs up this video. Thanks for checkin it out peace!! LYRICS : The life that you once knew turns sour as the blackened clouds towers you with shame. Becoming clearer and clearer you arise with the courage to move inspire others to duplicate your actions that you present to this world that you present to this world..
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