Shrieker Attack | Tremors: Shrieker Island

Burt knows something bad is coming for the Graboid hunters... Tremors: Shrieker Island: When a nature preserve in the Solomon Islands is infiltrated by Graboids, Ass Blasters, and Shriekers, two of the preserve’s top scientists recruit Burt Gummer, monster hunter extraordinaire, to eradicate the infestation. While there, Burt picks up a potential new protégé and encounters lost love. Own Tremors: Shrieker Island today on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital: #Tremors #ShriekerIsland #MovieClips Welcome to the Official home of the Tremors on YouTube -The earth shuddering monster movie franchise. Her...e you’ll find clips and bonus content from all six instalments as well as the 2003 TV series. So if you like yourself a creature feature, this channel will suit you down to the ground. To Graboid a load of this subscribe here:
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