[Unity3D Hex Map Game Dev] 0: Introduction to Hex Maps

Hello Unity fans. Today I’m starting with a series of videos in which I’ll review, and also add on to, an in-depth tutorial that has me quite excited. I recently came across Catlike Coding’s extremely professional and extensive Hex Map tutorials. I’m busy working through them in order to learn and understand as much of them as I can. Even if you’re not a Unity developer, if you play games you may find this review insightful. I remember when I started playing The Settlers 2 years ago. I had just enough computer science behind me to have some idea of how the game worked behind the scenes, and I appreciated it immensely. I’m currently about 25% through my in-depth walkthrough, but I have scanned over all of the sections, and I’ve actually already started tagging my own features onto the final base project. For example, a spinning object selector that dynamically handles any number of objects, and replacing the blue cubes with actual animated characters. But let’s start at the beginning. Catlike Coding
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