“Ambesalom da Eteri“ georgian ethno- piece, art-studio GALA
Based on “Eteriani“, Georgian folk epic romance
по мотивам древнегрузинского эпоса «Этериани»
Eteriani is a love story of a Cinderella-like peasant girl Eteri and Prince Abesalom who decides to marry her against the will of his father, a king. Abesalom’s courtier Murman also fells in a passionate love with Eteri and sells his soul to the devil to make the marriage impossible. Through sorcery, he makes Eteri ill and persuades the prince into surrendering the girl to him as Murman possesses the only remedy fo
3 months ago 00:10:25 1
Историкам нельзя это исследовать. 10 гигантов живуших в наше время
8 months ago 00:27:03 1
Пари. Из цикла комедийных короткометражных фильмов “Дорога“ (1974)
1 year ago 00:06:39 5
Константин Плужников. Ария Абесалома (З.Палиашвили “Абесалом и Этери“) / Konstantin Pluzhnikov