“Ol’ Buddy“ Noodles from Nanning (老友面)

Laoyou - “Ol’ Buddy“ - Noodles! A classic from Nanning (capital of the Guangxi Autonomous Region), its mix of garlic, fermented chilis, fermented black beans, and sour bamboo shoots is a combination of flavors that just... works. 0:00 - The Ol Buddy Flavor Profile 0:48 - Origin of Ol Buddy Noodles 1:49 - How to find pickled bamboo? 2:32 - How to find fermented chili? 2:53 - How to find douchi, Chinese fermented black beans? 3:07 - High level overview 3:42 - Prep & Toast Bamboo Shoots 4:04 - Mince Together Garlic & Douchi 4:13 - Which noodles to use? 4:45 - Boil Noodles to 80% done 5:00 - Marinate Meat (if using) 5:36 - Prep Sauce 5:55 - Make the Soup 6:55 - Other variations? INGREDIENTS: * Sour bamboo shoot (酸笋) 40g * Garlic, 3 cloves, minced * Douchi, . Chinese fermented black beans (豆豉), ½ tbsp * Hunan chopped chilis (剁椒) -or- Guizhou ‘pickled chili’ (糟辣椒), preferably, ½ tbsp * Fresh noodles (生面), 100g -or- rice noodles, 100g, -or- dried noodles, ~70g -or- one pack of instant noodles * Meat (op
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