2,380 Views In this interview Penny answers the following questions: ▪️How one can be serving in space in different places while also being on Earth here and now? ▪️How many parallel timelines is she living simultaneously? ▪️How many alters does she know of having? ▪️How often does she crossover to them and how are they experienced? ▪️ Is it possible to take over an alter that serving elsewhere and to what extent? ▪️What about the cyborg factory explosion episode on Mars? ▪️What are some of the other alters Penny has never talked about in detail? *********** I am Penny Bradley, and I’m a veteran of the secret space programs. I have served with the Germans in both Marsische Heimschild, a military colony on Mars and in Nacht Waffen, the space fleet. I I have other alters who have served with the mercenary group known as Kruger and black ops with the CIA. I was chosen for this because I’m mixed race. All of my genetic heritages are high metagene, i.e. have increased psi abilities. I’m Cherokee and Creek [Native American], my mother’s mother was Sephardi (Jewish) and the rest were Merovingian, Tuatha de Danaan, Albigensian, and Roman. I am the O child of an O-mother who lived, therefore supposedly invincible. The CIA modified my DNA before I was born in 1955 by adding Draco DNA to mine. This dramatically increased the psionic abilities that I would have had normally When I was 4 years old, the CIA picked me up and drove me from California to Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. I was there for 5 years, with a 6 month side trip to Montauk’s time tunnel. During my first year and a half at Langley, I was subjected to enough torture to produce 2200 alters. At least 100 of them were programmed to be assets during the last 3 years I was there. I was programmed to travel in hyperspace with a ship, to be an assassin, to be a soldier, to be a pilot. My psi abilities were weaponized. When I discuss my time in space, I usually discuss two of the alters that I remember best: One did a 55-and-back, going to Langley, Montauk, Mars and then a freighter with Nacht Waffen. This one is known as Penelope Valkyrien and spoke Swabian German. The other was a fighter pilot in Kruger mercenary group and was recruited to be navigator on a Nacht Waffen spy crew who pretended to be pirates and smugglers. This one is known as Penny Bradley and spoke American English, and I nick-named her Starbuck after the character on Battlestar Galactica who she resembled in personality. Do not think these are the only alters I have memories from. These are the two that I have 50% recall from. The rest are much less. I have reintegrated 30 alters at this point, half of whom just stored trauma and had never been programmed to be assets. In my Here and Now life, I have been a pre- med student, a preacher’s wife, a mother of three, grandmother of two. I have worked doing medical related care in people’s homes, retail service, and even government service. I am still working on integrating alters and getting the rest of my memories back...
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