Mo Ghile Mear & O’Sullivan’s March

We’re on an exciting countdown to our first wedding since February, which is coming up very soon, with a possible further two to follow before the end of August. This wedding will be very special for a number of reasons, not least of which is that we wil be joined for the very first time by the fabulously-talented Emma Ní Mhairtín on harp, and we’re looking forward to that very much! We’re very grateful to Emma for taking the time to record two tunes for us during the week, so here she is, along with Patrick Davey on low whistle, playing the popular air ’Mo Ghile Mear’ followed by the lively ’O’Sullivan’s March’. We hope everyone is keeping well at this time - things are definitely improving but let’s not drop our guard just yet!! Can’t wait to get playing with Emma for real, very soon xxx
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