Runes: Piano Cycle with Sheet Music

Runes. This piano cycle is the most important work for me at the moment. Ironically, this might sound amusing coming from someone who has graduated from a conservatory and has written numerous major symphonic and theatrical works. Initially, I wrote them as gifts for dear people for the New Year. The Runes for me are a magical creation, crafting them has helped me to see the world a little through the eyes of the people for whom I wrote. I cannot fully describe the technique of composing the runes right now - it’s a bit mystical and not entirely understandable to me personally. Initially, I encoded the name of the person to whom the rune is dedicated in the pitch, and in the rhythm - their characteristics they would like to enhance or acquire. Then, I started working on the resulting draft like a sculptor creating a sculpture from a block of marble. But my hammer was not reason, it was intuition. I didn’t follow musical logic; I followed the feeling - where I feel resonance and where I don’t. And I understand that these runes have gone far beyond the original idea. Although they work, they not only change people - they change our surrounding world, and they change me. For the sake of clarity in perception, I won’t name the runes here. I’ll simply number them in the video using Roman numerals. In total, I want to write 4 cycles of runes. The first one - is in front of you. I will write the last rune to myself. I - “00:00“ II - “02:07“ III - “03:44“ IV - “05:30“ V - “07:11“ VI - “08:32“ VII - “10:12“
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